What We Do:
- Field Trips & Workshops
- Educational Presentations
- Public Awareness
- Social Events
Monthly Meetings:
The VIPS meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
The VIPS Paleo-Lab is available upon request for fossil preparation.
Contact Dan Bowen
Field Trips:
The VIPS, field trip co-ordinator schedules regular field trips for members and guests.
Safety, geological background, digging procedure and fossil identification are emphasized.
Scientifically significant specimens should be held in a museum or university where they are available for evaluation and study.
Fossil Preparation:
The VIPS recognizes that careful preparation of fossils is very important to the study of fossil specimens. Field preparation is sometimes necessary to protect the specimen for transportation to the lab environment.
Field and laboratory preparation require a variety of tools including:
• Chisels, hammers, glues, scalpels, dental tools, specimen bags, wrapping paper.
• Air scribe equipment; Dremel tools, Mighty Jack, 0.5 Mini Jack, Aro air scribe, compressor, dust collector, preparation box, ventilation equipment & rock saw.
• New equipment: Pro-blast air abrasive tools.
• Chemicals such as acids are sometimes used to expose fossils in limestone.

The VIPS schedules lectures and visual presentations by amateur and professional paleontologists and geologists.
We invite the general public to share the old and new discoveries and theories involved with paleontology

Fossil Replication:
The VIPS conducts workshops to demonstrate how to construct fossil moulds and use latex for making peels.
Fossil replication is important for field work where the fossil does not have to be removed.
Replicas are used for educational presentations and displays. Sometimes replicas of fossils are sold to people for personal displays.

by Gille Danis of PAST using a specimen of Nostoceras.

BC Paleontological Alliance:
The British Columbia Paleontological Alliance (BCPA) is a union of professional and amateur paleontological organizations working to advance the science of paleontology in the province by fostering public awareness, scientific collecting and education, and by promoting communication among all those interested in fossils.
BCPA Newsletter & History:
The VIPS has edited, produced and colated 65 newsletters since 1992 which have provided valuable information including paleo-articles, scheduled events, and illustrations.
The newsletter is now virtual for members on the BCPA website.
Back issues can be ordered through the BCPA website.