February 23 Sunday, VIPS AGM 1:30 pm at the Courtenay Museum
Then at 2:30-3:30 pm, presentation by Dan Bowen of the fossil discoveries and highlights of 2024. Bring your latest fossil discovery for show and tell.
Open house at the museum, fossil displays, Storyboards and show and tell with fossils. We would also have a fossil ID workshop. All VIPS invited, volunteers. This is in association with their Dino exhibit (Feb 8th-June 2nd) Dinosaurs of BC – Campbell River Museum.
“The fantastic Fossils of Vancouver Island”, with Dan Bowen, VIPS chair. Learn of the amazing new discoveries found on Vancouver Island, “Our ancient island”.
Lower Motor cross area and also upper pits of Doumont Road. Leave Courteney at 8:15 am or meet at the Doumont Road gate at 9:15am. I don’t think there are any activities there yet. Surface collecting and some digging. Looking for the ammonite Canadoceras yokoyamai.
We’ll be exploring new sites. Leave Courtenay at 8:15 to meet at the NW Bay Road intersection with Island highway at the gate for 9:15 am.
Depart from Dan’s at 8:10 am or meet at the Buckley Bay ferry to catch the 9:00 am to Denman, arrive Hornby 11:00 am. Find what the winter storms turned up. Carpool. At 12:20 pm 4.2 ft low tide. Our target is Collishaw Point.
This site is unique for Vancouver Island, a first for some species of ammonites, bivalves and gastropods recorded here. The route in is complicated and we will meet at my house at 8:00 am then meet again at the Big Tree Creek FSR intersection at 9:00am and all drive in together.